Tuesday 28 July 2009
Purple Poppy Finished - ish
Monday 27 July 2009
Purple Poppy WIP 3
Saturday 25 July 2009
Purple Poppy WIP 2
Thursday 23 July 2009
Purple Poppy WIP 1
Monday 20 July 2009
Watery Waterperry
Tuesday 14 July 2009
White Daisy WIP 3
Another 3 hours or so of work done on this. I put a layer of Phthalo Blue and over that some more Sky Blue, in places on the background just to give it a bit more ooomph! My lighter blue pencils are now reduced to little stumps - oh the perils of sanded paper!
I have basically strengthened all the colours on the petals and tried to get more tonal contrast, more by lightening the light areas than putting down darker greys - if that makes any sense. It's quite satisfying being able to put lights over dark colours, as you can with this paper, and I have used a Chinese White Derwent Drawing Pencil as the final layer for the highlights.
I think it's probably about finished now. I'll put it away for a few days and then look at it again. No doubt something will shout at me to be tweaked, I'm never satisfied.
Saturday 11 July 2009
White Daisy WIP 2
Thursday 9 July 2009
White Daisy WIP (1)
I've started this daisy on pale grey Colorfix sanded paper, about 9" x 11". I took lots of photos of white daisies in the Spring this year and this is from a crop of one of those. I'm using my favourite pencils, Faber Castell Polychromos, although I haven't used them on this paper before - oooer! I like to work the whole picture up at the same time, rather than working on one bit in detail, because I get a better sense of the whole piece, colourwise ,as I'm going along.
I've used sky blue and light ultramarine on the background so far and a stiff brush to try and get a smooth look - we can't have a stripey sky! Trouble is, as any seasoned coloured pencilist will know, while this sanded paper speeds up the drawing process, it does tend to eat up your pencils so I might have to dip into my stocks for some more 'blues'. I've also put in the lightest bright bits with a white pencil and started modelling the centre. I've used the blues also in the petals and introduced some greys.
I don't really have a 'game plan' when doing these flowers - I just work it out as I go along so it's always a case of being 'on a wing and a prayer'. We'll see....early days yet.